Convention App

The SPJST Convention App is ready for delegates to download and install on an iOS or Android device. We are using the Yapp platform for this app. The app is also readable from a laptop/desktop. Delegates can download the app at and follow the instructions.

The app includes convention news, convenient RSVP/meal payment options, documents, social feed, FAQs, schedule, hotels, venue map, pre-convention reports, contacts, and photos. The SPJST Convention App is your source for the latest updates on the 2024 Convention.



The host hotel for this year’s Convention is Hilton Garden Inn, located at 1749 Scott Boulevard in Temple, Texas.

Note the host hotel has reached its capacity on rooms. Some delegates may be provided rooms at the neighboring hotel, located across the street.


Delegate Check-In

Delegate check-in will begin in the ballroom at Hilton Garten Inn on Friday, June 7 at 4:30 p.m. The Welcome Reception is Friday evening, June 7 from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Delegate’s check-in will continue on Saturday morning, June 8 at the Frank W. Mayborn Civic and Conference Center from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.


Meals – Lunches and Dinner


All members and interested guests are invited to attend the Convention and its activities. Lunch and dinner meals will be provided for delegates, Executive Committee and Governance Committee members, and Home Office Staff; however, they must be reserved no later than May 24. Costs for guests will be $10 for lunch and $22 for dinner. Delegates may reserve their meals in the SPJST Convention App or in the form below.

Saturday lunch selections are chicken salad sandwich and chips; club sandwich and chips; or grilled chicken salad. All selections include a freshly baked cookie. The menu for Saturday’s banquet dinner is ribeye steak or grilled chicken, salad, potatoes with cheese, green beans, and dessert.