January Project-Layout 1


SPJST youth clubs, lodges, and members are invited to join us in warming the hearts of our community heroes.

This January, create heartfelt valentines for local first responders, medical personnel, and other unsung heroes. Let’s show our appreciation for their dedication and service. Deliver your handmade valentines with a smile and make a hero’s day brighter!

  • Photograph and submit in the above online form.
  • Share on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) using #spjstgives
  • Questions? Click here to contact us.
February Project 2024


  • SPJST youth clubs, lodges, and members are invited bake and share cookies or treats with the heroes in our community.
  • In the month of love, we extend our appreciation through the act of baking. Join us in Baking Up Kindness as we prepare and share cookies or treats with the heroes in our community. A sweet gesture to show our gratitude and spread warmth to those who make our community extraordinary.
  • Share on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) using #spjstgives
  • Questions? Click here to contact us.
March Project 2024-Layout 1


SPJST youth clubs, lodges, and members are invited to express gratitude to our military heroes.

As March unfolds, let’s turn our attention to military heroes. In Words for Warriors, we express heartfelt gratitude to those who serve. Take a moment to write letters, share messages, or create tokens of appreciation to let our military heroes know that their service is recognized and cherished. Join us in thanking these brave individuals for their dedication and sacrifice.

  • Photograph and submit in the above online form.
  • Share on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) using #spjstgives
  • Questions? Click here to contact us.
April Project 2024


SPJST youth clubs, lodges, and members are invited to create a haven for feathered friends as we nurture nature and foster a caring environment for all.

In April, we embark on a journey to create a haven for our feathered friends. Join us in Nourishing Nature as we craft spaces that nurture nature and foster a caring environment for all. Through the creation of bird havens, we contribute to the well-being of our local wildlife and celebrate the beauty of our natural surroundings.

  • Photograph and submit in the above online form.
  • Share on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) using #spjstgives
  • Questions? Click here to contact us.
May Project 2024-Layout 1


SPJST youth clubs, lodges, and members are invited to clean up the community by picking up trash in the park, along the roadside, at the beach, or cleaning and beautifying a cemetery.

May brings the Community Cleanup Crusade, an opportunity for us to come together and enhance the beauty of our community. Whether it’s picking up trash in the park, along the roadside, at the beach, or beautifying a cemetery, each action contributes to a cleaner and more vibrant community. Let’s work hand in hand to create a cleaner and more beautiful environment for everyone.

  • Photograph and submit in the above online form.
  • Share on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) using #spjstgives
  • Questions? Click here to contact us.
June Project 2024


SPJST youth clubs, lodges, and members are invited to make a collection box and collect pop-tabs for Ronald McDonald House.

It’s June, and it’s time for Pop-Tab Palooza! Join us in creating collection boxes and collecting pop-tabs for Ronald McDonald House. Your small tabs can make a big impact in supporting families facing challenging times. Let’s embark on this pop-tab adventure and make a meaningful contribution to those in need.

  • Photograph and submit in the above online form.
  • Share on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) using #spjstgives
  • Questions? Click here to contact us.
July Project 2024


SPJST youth clubs, lodges, and members are invited to reach out to neighborhood schools to discover their needs and join in collecting items to fill backpacks.

In July, let’s kick off the challenge with Supplying Success. Reach out to our neighborhood schools to understand their needs and join us in collecting items to fill backpacks. Your contributions will make a significant impact on students’ journeys, ensuring they start the school year with the tools they need to succeed. Let’s come together to supply success to our future leaders.

  • Photograph and submit in the above online form.
  • Share on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) using #spjstgives
  • Questions? Click here to contact us.
2024 Monthly Challenges-Layout 1


SPJST youth clubs, lodges, and members are invited to gather new or gently used books, games, puzzles, and more to give to an organization or individuals in need.

August brings the Book Bonanza, a delightful initiative to gather gently used books, games, puzzles, and more. Join us in unwrapping the world of imagination for children in need. Your treasures can find new life in the hands of those eager to explore new worlds through the magic of books and games. Let’s make this month a bonanza of learning and joy.

  • Photograph and submit in the above online form.
  • Share on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) using #spjstgives
  • Questions? Click here to contact us.
2024 Monthly Challenges-Layout 1


SPJST youth clubs, lodges, and members are invited to shine the spotlight on our community’s teachers and school personnel.

Shine the spotlight on our community’s teachers and school personnel. Join us in expressing gratitude by writing inspiring messages, preparing thoughtful tokens, or hosting special events. Let’s celebrate and elevate the unsung heroes of our schools who play a pivotal role in shaping the minds of the next generation.

  • Photograph and submit in the above online form.
  • Share on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) using #spjstgives
  • Questions? Click here to contact us.
2024 Monthly Challenges-Layout 1


SPJST youth clubs, lodges, and members are invited to fill a shoebox (or many!) with essentials for Operation Christmas Child or another local organization in need.

Kickstart the quarter by creating a Shoebox of Smiles. Fill a shoebox with essentials for Operation Christmas Child or another local organization in need. Your thoughtful contributions will bring smiles to those who need it most. Let’s share the joy of giving and make a difference in the lives of others.

  • Photograph and submit in the above online form.
  • Share on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) using #spjstgives
  • Questions? Click here to contact us.
2024 Monthly Challenges-Layout 1


SPJST youth clubs, lodges, and members are invited to contribute to the SPJST Foundation or the SPJST 100 Pennies Scholarship Fund Drive as a way of giving thanks for the support provided by SPJST.

As November unfolds, let’s express our thanks through giving. Contribute to the SPJST Foundation or the SPJST 100 Pennies Scholarship Fund Drive as a heartfelt way of giving thanks for the support provided by SPJST. Your contributions will make a meaningful impact and contribute to the continued support of our SPJST Society.

  • Photograph and submit in the above online form.
  • Share on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) using #spjstgives
  • Questions? Click here to contact us.
2024 Monthly Challenges-Layout 1


SPJST youth clubs, lodges, and members are invited to decorate a Czech Christmas tree with a special service project twist.

Wrap up the year by spreading the spirit of giving with the Czech Christmas Tree of Service. Decorate a Czech Christmas tree with a special service project twist. Use the provided template to create unique decorations that also represent acts of kindness or charitable deeds. Let’s celebrate the holidays by making our community shine with the giving spirit.

  • Photograph and submit in the above online form.
  • Share on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) using #spjstgives
  • Questions? Click here to contact us.


SPJST is introducing an exciting new program to engage members in community work and volunteerism. This program was created to motivate lodges and youth groups and to reward them for their efforts to exhibit benevolence, humanity, and brotherhood in SPJST and local communities. The strongest lodges and youth groups are the ones that meet regularly, maintain best business practices, and operate consistently with the SPJST Home Office. Note: This program replaces the previous Home Office funding programs for lodges and youth clubs.

Incentives for this program are granted to lodges and youth groups that contribute volunteer hours in community service; host social engagement activities; raise funds; and achieve this criteria:


Incentives are available to lodges that achieve this criteria:

1. Hold Regular Lodge Meetings/Activities in Accordance with Section 74 of the SPJST By-Laws and Offer a Well-Rounded Fraternal Program.

Every lodge is required to hold regular meetings/activities to discuss lodge business with its members. Service to each other — as fellow SPJST members — and service to the community is an important part of SPJST’s mission.

2. Submit All Required Forms.

  1. Form 990 or Form 990-T for 2023
    Due Date: May 15, 2024
  2. Lodge Annual Financial Report for 2023
    Due Date: May 15, 2024
    Upload financial report here.
  3. Lodge Activities/Events Reports (volunteer service hours)

Quarterly due dates:

April 15, 2024 for January, February, March activities
July 15, 2024 for April, May, June activities
October 15, 2024 for July, August, September activities
January 15, 2025 for October, November, December activities

         4. 2025 List of Lodge Officers
Due Date: January 15, 2025

3. Report Your Success.

Every lodge is required to submit news of upcoming events and post-event summaries and/or photographs to the Vestnik as well as to their local media. Youth submissions, member features, and obituaries can also be submitted to the Vestnik. Every lodge is required to have a submission in at least 6 of the 24 published Vestniks in 2024. Lodges are also encouraged to share lodge/member activities on Facebook and/or Instagram including #spjst.



Incentives are available to youth groups that achieve this criteria:

1. Submit All Required Forms.

  1. Youth Group Activities Reports (volunteer service hours)
    Quarterly due dates:

        April 15, 2024 for January, February, March activities
        July 15, 2024 for April, May, June activities
        October 15, 2024 for July, August, September activities
        January 15, 2025 for October, November, December activities

        2. Youth Group Annual Financial Report for 2023
        Due Date: May 15, 2024

2. Report Your Success.

Every lodge is required to submit news of upcoming events and post-event summaries and/or photographs to the Vestnik as well as to their local media. Youth leaders and members are also encouraged to share youth group/member activities on Facebook and/or Instagram including #spjst.



Incentives are available to districts that achieve this criteria:

Submit All Required Forms.

All due by July 15, 2024.

  1. District Meeting/Activity Report
  2. 2024 List of District Officers
  3. District Annual Financial Report for 2023
  4. Annual District Youth Financial Report for 2023